Saturday, July 18, 2009

Conquering of Table Mountain

We decided to go for a nice little hike yesterday...well that's what we thought! Turns out hiking Table Mountain is a little it more challenging than we thought! But the hike was well worth the effort for the view at the top! We have been so lucky to have bright sunny days the past few days! So we are taking full advantage of it!

You could literally see the curve of the Earth from the top of the mountain! It was spectacular!
This was only half way up the mountain. We still had a good climb to go before we got to the top...
And this is how high we had already climbed! Oh boy...this hike was the greatest work out ever. Beats the stairmaster and doing 1000 lunges and squats!


  1. Wow I can't believe what a hard hike! It looks like you're having so much fun and I'm jealous of the african safairi and seeing the giraffes! Keep up the good work.

  2. NATALIE!! I'm glad you started a blog and that your having a blast in Africa I can't believe you bungy jumped off that bridge or stood that close to those elephants...ohh wait YES i CAN! glad you are being true to yourself and being adventorous! p.s. I should have emailed you or something sooner but we are having a boy! it's probably for the best we have a little nate first than a little amy...anyways I'd love to hear from you!

  3. and don't make fun of me bc I spelled adventureous wrong..and then I spelled it wrong again in this one :)
